peaCTF 2019 (Round1) - [Forensic] We are E.xtr (350pts)

Written by Maltemo, member of team SinHack.

Statement of the challenge


No description, only a file


The file attached was E.xrt and contained raw data.

Analysis :mag:

I started by trying to understand what was the type of this file.

I used the file command that do exactly this :

file E.xrt > E.xtr: data

Then I used the string command to search for the flag into the binary :

strings E.xtr IHDR sRGB gAMA fPLTE @@@((( xxx ppp000 XXX888 "tRNS pHYs IDATx^ T0g^ [...] )_UX lb7w A!xB IEND

[...] isn’t in the file, just to show you a part of the result.
Also, at this step I could have guess the answer. But I was too focused on getting a flag string.

I searched online software to open file with .xrt extension.
It didn’t give me much informations.

I went on other challenges and learned new things.

I came back and decided to use the command xxd to see what is inside the binary file:

xxd E.xtr | head 00000000: 8958 5452 0d0a 1a0a 0000 000d 4948 4452 .XTR........IHDR 00000010: 0000 0500 0000 02d0 0803 0000 018f a41d ................ 00000020: f200 0000 0173 5247 4200 aece 1ce9 0000 .....sRGB....... 00000030: 0004 6741 4d41 0000 b18f 0bfc 6105 0000 ..gAMA......a... 00000040: 0066 504c 5445 ffff ffdf dfdf 7f7f 7f40 .fPLTE.........@ 00000050: 4040 2828 2800 0000 1818 1850 5050 f7f7 @@(((......PPP.. 00000060: f7af afaf 9797 9710 1010 6868 68e7 e7e7 ..........hhh... 00000070: 2020 2078 7878 9f9f 9f08 0808 bfbf bf8f xxx.......... 00000080: 8f8f c7c7 c7a7 a7a7 7070 7030 3030 6060 ........ppp000`` 00000090: 60cf cfcf b7b7 b758 5858 3838 38ef efef `......XXX888...

And I thought :

“WAIT A MINUTE, It really looks like the format of a PNG image file header !”

I searched on wikipedia and found the critical chunks of data similar to what I got in this header, except for the identifier PNG ascii string in the header.

Solution :unlock:

I edited the file with a console text editor (vim), and replaced the letters XTR by PNG.


I did a file command to check if the type changed correctly :

file E.xtr >E.xtr: PNG image data, 1280 x 720, 8-bit colormap, interlaced

So I opened the image and the flag was there !


The file was PNG image that has been modified.
You need to change it back to PNG format.

Flag :white_check_mark:

The flag is peaCTF{read_banned_it}

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